Get “real time” signals from local sources on significant developments such as new policy announcements and reactions (for example the three red lines in Aug’20, new land sales rules in Feb’21), corporate troubles (share price drops, investigations, resigns) or deal talks, BEFORE these hit the Western media headlines.
Save time on your research, with a powerful search within expert-curated sources and headline feeds, with archives back to Jan 1, 2019. We have modeled 10+ topic models, headline feeds from 2,200+ sources, 100+ cities and we encoded over 340 developers.
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Get optional proprietary research from Real Estate Foresight (REF), fully integrated into the platform, with weekly and monthly reports, data updates and thematic notes, as well as 30+ REF City Reports. Published since 2012, in English. Real Estate Foresight's independent research has been covering China housing markets since 2012.
You get the Chinese content with handy translations into English and can search both in Chinese and English; we run the translations via Google API but also modify for certain terms. All source research and topic modelling is done in native Chinese.